6 Signs The Spirit World Is Trying To Contact You

Do you ever have a feeling of being watched when no one is around? Do you automatically get a message inside of your head and you know it’s not coming from you, but from a different world? There are several ways that the spirit world can try to get your attention, whether it’s from loved ones who have passed on or your spirit guides. Here are 6 telling signs the spirit world is trying to contact you:

You have vivid dreams and/or visions during meditation: The spirit world will convey messages through dreams. They will also give us many movies during meditation when we let go of the chit chatter and open of consciousness to receive without static. They will create scenarios, or provide archetypes to get our attention. When you sleep, you are aligning with the spirit world. All your beliefs come down and you become more receptive to the other realms. Spirits will share things with you. All you have to do is ask with a deliberate intention before sleeping or meditating.

Your senses are enhanced – Spirits communicate through smell, touch, taste, vision and sound. They can cling to your olfactory senses by letting you smell a particular flower odor. They can cause a ringing in your ear as to let you know they are near you. When tones travel different dimensions, the come into your ears with high-pitched sounds. They can use your peripheral vision to show themselves through shadows. It’s in these moments that make no sense that you are being touched by the spirit world. Stay open and watch the miracles unfold.

Electronic start to act up – Spirits will use lights and other electrical components to let you know they are nearby. We are made of matter, and electricity is our conduit for them to charge up. They will turn off lamps, raise the volume on the radio, and change channels. They will also located a special song to let you know who is with you. Computers stopped working, even a car won’t start… until they get your attention.

You have an unexplained knowing – Have you ever had a definite knowing that sorts, and you don’t know wide that thought popped into your head? That’s your spirit guides and loved ones. They use telepathy to communicate with us. Listen to that small voice that whispers to you, nudging you to do something, and follow your gut. That “knowing” is a deep inkling from the spirit world guiding you towards something magical. Whenever you ask for guidance, always wait for that small voice that let you know what you need to do.

Goosebumps and chills appear often – When you are aligned with spirit, body temperature changes. You get that cold chill that leads into goosebumps. Have you ever been talking about a deceased loved one and immediately got goosebumps? That’s them letting you know that they are with you. After all, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Connection to the spirit world is home. The goosebumps are simple reminders that this world and the spirit world are multidimensional.

You are guided by synchronicity – Have you ever had a moment when you’re thinking of something and the bumper sticker on a car at a red light gave you the answer? That spirit at it’s keenest. Every opportunity that shows up as a stepping stone to look deeper into your existence. Coincidences are signs from the other side that assure you’re on the right track. These little measures are part of the universal GPS system. ~ Power of Positivity

 “Remember that although bodies may pass away, the energy that connects you to a loved one is everlasting and can always be felt when you’re open to receive it.” ~ Doreen Virtue