Are You A ‘Starseed?’

 Do you ever feel like you’re from a different planet, different from everyone else? Well, you might be right. Have you ever heard of starseeds? This group of people are those who feel a strong longing, separateness, and foreignness to our world. They experience the aloneness and separateness that is the human condition, but also have the sense of being foreigners on this planet. They may find the behavior and motives of our society puzzling and illogical, and are also pretty adept at understanding hidden motives even at an early age. Finally, they also may be reluctant to become involved in the institutions of society, such as political, economic, health care, and so on. Does this sound familiar?

 The belief behind “Starseeds” is that these people are described as evolved beings from another planet, star system or galaxy, whose specific missions are to assist Earth and her peoples to bring into the Golden age.


 These starseeds may incarnate into the same conditions of helplessness and total amnesia concerning their identity, origins, and purpose, just like any other regular person on earth. However, these starseeds have special genes that are encoded with a “wake-up call.” They are designed to “activate” them at a predetermined moment in life. Each awakening is different, ranging from gentle and gradual to sudden and dramatic. No matter what the case, memory can come back to varying degrees, allowing starseeds to consciously take up their mission. Their connection to the higher self are also strengthened, permitting them to be largely guided by their inner knowing. This is demonstrated in topics like starships, intergalactic travel, varied psychic phenomena and sentiment lifeforms in other galaxies. Starseeds find them normal and logical.

 Here are 10 characteristics that will help you determine if you are a starseed:

  •  You feel ancient to the core, like you may have existed forever
  •  You are soul weary, and have a sense of simply “wanting to go home”
  •  You felt unique as a child, as though no one else was like you. You felt like it was segregated into “them” versus “you.” You may have even felt special or “higher” regardless of your social stature
  •  Your strong sense of empathy is almost too much at times
  •  You are very intelligent, but not necessarily interested in academics
  •  You struggle to find what you want to do with your life because nothing in this reality really intrigues you enough to be dedicated to it. A part of you remember so much more that life here is almost banal
  •  You have an extraordinary dream life, and waking life seems dull in comparison
  •  You have natural healing abilities, whether it is physical and with your hands, or comfort with your words
  •  You may have felt great despair or depression in your life, often connected to a desire to want to go home. Life here feels so very wrong
  •  You are naturally trusted by animals, and you easily understand their wants and needs as if you can communicate on some level