Not only did the children at the school called “Nursery Fields Forever,” learn about sustainable energy from the solar panels and window turbines, the entire school campus is designed to teach children how to farm. Developed by Rome-based designer, Gabriele CaopBianco, Edoardo Capuzza Dolcetta, Jonathan Lazar, and Davide Troiani, the preschool campus brings modern technology and farming together for kids to learn with hands-on behavior.
Dolcetta’s team recently won the AWR International Ideas Competition for the idea. “We think the kids should enjoy nature,” said Dolcetta. “So we designed this strange school: no classrooms, but open spaces where vegetables grow inside and animals can come in too. It’s a mixing of the two things, school and nature.” Moving forward into a new world, the ability to grow one’s own food is invaluable. The schools three-tiered technique of learning from nature, learning from technique, and learning from practice is catching on.