Chemtrails Vs. Contrails – What’s Really Going On?

Chemtrails Vs. Contrails – What’s Really Going On?

Chemtrails have become a very controversial topic because of the unwillingness to openly talk about it. There have been pilots and scientists discussing the substances released from planes, only to be considered crazy, not credible or simply wrong. Why? Why are we allowed to know what’s coming out of these planes?

Contrails Always dissipate within a few seconds to a minute. Chemtrails always last for extended amounts of time without dissipation. Regardless of whether or not they are ‘chemtrails’, what is the difference in substance? What is in some of these trails that can make them last hours at a time?

 The fact that it’s not being told to the public as a clear sign it’s something were not supposed to know. These are just two of hundreds of videos showing non-fading trails in the sky from all over the world. The point of these videos is not to show a secret hidden agenda, but clear proof that some of these trails do not fade into the sky.

 Ask yourself why? Regardless of what their specifically made of, why are we pumping out chemicals that stay in the sky? The point is to make your own conclusion based off the facts, not what other people say.

 There is something going on here! And if you don’t see it – you’re not looking: