If You Ever See This Fuzzy Creature DO NOT TOUCH IT! I Had No Idea!!

The furry looking caterpillar you see in this video, that looks like a walking Donald Trump toupee, is highly toxic. It’s looks are deceiving and many people have learned that the hard, painful way. The unassuming insect appears to be harmless and it’s fuzzy hairs make it seem like it would be soft to the touch. Any young child, or even an adult who didn’t know any better, likely wouldn’t hesitate to reach out and touch it.


If you ever happen to come across one of these caterpillars you should avoid them at all costs. There known as puss caterpillars and over time they changed dramatically as they transform into adults. After they finished developing they turn into furry winged insects that are commonly known as the southern flannel moths, and sometimes they’re called puss moths. The bugs only pose a threat to humans when they are in their caterpillar form and contact with them should be avoided if possible. However, it’s their soft and fuzzy appearance that’s highly deceiving and their hair like spikes draw children to them and encourage kids to reach out and pick them up.

Please watch the video below and share this article with your friends so they know the dangers and can stay safe. Children need to know about this so they do not reach out and try to play with these creatures!