Mom Is Torn To Pieces When These 3 Sisters Break This News To Her, Back To Back

Weeks after their mom celebrated 20 years of being cancer free, three sisters, Katie Warrent, Kristal Ford-Spencer and Cassie Ford, received their own cancer diagnosis. The first sister to find out she had cancer with Katie According to the Daily Mail, she would feel bloated and have an upset stomach after eating heavy meals.”Because of my age and having no history they didn’t consider it… but when I found out, yes it was scary, but I was just thinking think God it is in Kristal or Cassie,” Katie said to the Daily Mail.

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Katie started chemotherapy, but the tumor began growing back. When Katie learned that she would have to undergo chemotherapy again, her sister Kristal found out she had breast cancer after going to the doctor to get a lump she felt in her breast checked out. “The doctor read my diagnosis right off the report – ‘you have a malignant mass’ – because I could tell she didn’t want to say the words ‘you have cancer’,” Kristal said. Five weeks after Kristal’s diagnosis, at the urging of a doctor colleague, Cassie felt a lump in her breast. She went to the doctor and they confirmed that she had staged 2 breast cancer.


After learning about the raw deal life dealt the sisters, a radio station in their home country of Australia screened a surprise “movie” with the sisters in attendance celebrating their lives. Watch the video of the surprise below: