8 Signs That You May Have Spiritual Activity In Your Home

There are so many signs that you can look for that tell you that spirit is around you. I personally find it fascinating looking into the different ways spirit, or as some call them ghosts, contact you and interact with you within the home. here are some signs to look for to let you know if you have spirits in your home.



Animal behavioral changes – My dogs have, on several occasions, become agitated at seemingly nothing. At first you think they’re barking or fussing over nothing, but then when they do it more than once or for a prolonged period, you start to wonder why. Animals have a heightened sense compared to us humans and so are believed to be more in tuned with spirit. I certainly have witnessed this, so if your cat, dog or even rabbit seem fixated on something, it may well be spirit.

Noises – It’s easy to spook yourself out when you’re home alone thinking that every noise you hear is a ghost. I’ll say it now that the large majority of noises you’ll hear will absolutely just be your house creaking with temperature changes etc. However, one sign people experience in their homes will be noises. There is something called EVP (Electrical Voice Phenomena) where it has been reported that people even hear things like music playing when nothing is on.

Objects moving/being moved – Many years ago, I actually had a spirit in the house. It would move objects all the time, which could get very annoying! You would see dust marks where an old ornament had been moved slightly and it was always unnerving, even for me. People do experience this quite frequently and some even report losing their keys only to find them in the first place they had looked for. Spooky!

Windows and doors opening and closing – Some people experience this where they go down to the kitchen in the morning and all the cupboard doors have been open. It’s one of the many ways you can spot ghostly activity in your home!

Lights turning on and off – When I lived in my childhood home, I was constantly getting in trouble with my parents for leaving the lights on. However, I knew I never left the lights on and I knew that spirits were in the house doing it!

Feeling of being watched – This feeling of being watched can easily be your natural instincts kicking in, but in some cases people have reported a constant feeling of being watched within their home and not anywhere else. Remember, it’s not like people are actually standing and watching you in the room, it’s the energy that is in the room with you.

Cold spots – You may have heard people say that when they get a sudden shiver that it’s like a ghost walked through them. While this may not be exactly correct, spirits can make certain areas of the room that they have been in a cooler temperature.

Smells – Signs that one of your own beloved ones who have passed are around you will be a smell that makes you think of them. Perhaps their favorite flower, a food they loved or a perfume they used. Sometimes you will get a scent when you go in a particular room that comes from out of nowhere. This is your loved one in spirit letting you know there with you.