The Shocking Truth: What’s Hiding In Your Toothpaste?

The Shocking Truth: What’s Hiding In Your Toothpaste? 

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In commercial toothpaste, surprisingly you’ll find a whole host of toxic additives:

 Fluoride – An industrial waste product linked to lower IQ in children and dental fluorosis, or mottling of teeth. You probably grew up thinking fluoride is good for your teeth because that’s what the public has been told for over 50 years, but the collective of science says otherwise.

 Propylene Glycol – A synthetic moisture absorbent linked to organ toxicity.

 Triclosan – an antibacterial chemical that disrupts hormone production and promotes multiple forms of cancer, including breast, ovarian, testicular, and prostate cancers.

 And even plastics in the form of polyethylene, which also interfere with the endocrine system and promote cancer. These ingredients are clearly problematic, which is why it’s crucial to stick with natural toothpaste products such as:

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 Each of these toothpaste products contain cleansing and protective herb extracts such as neem, wintergreen, mint, and cinnamon – the real stuff derived from the essential oils of actual plants and herbs, not chemicals synthesized in the lab!

 Neem, you should know, was shown in a 2011 study published in the Journal of Indian Society and Periodontology to safely and effectively treat plaque induced gingivitis due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

From: 22 Ways To Cancer-Proof Your Life Today

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