9 Things To Remember When You Feel Like Quitting

In order to succeed, we must also remember what to do when we feel like we want to quit. Success means different things to different people. For some, it means building relationships with people and making long-lasting connections. For others, it means climbing the corporate ladder and running a profitable company. And for the rest of us, maybe it just means doing our best each day with what we’ve been given, and making small steps every day toward our full potential.

For most of us, we have a hard time settling on just one thing that we love to do every day. Sure, we all have jobs of some sort, but do they really serve our passion? Probably not. However, when it comes to actually living our dreams and serving our highest purpose, most of us get lost trying to find what that really is, and ultimately, and up quitting. Here are 9 things to remember when you feel like giving up:

  •  Remember the things you do well – Obviously to succeed in life, you’ll need to put your attention on the things you feel you can offer the world better than most others can. If you love to paint, but don’t see the returns coming in financially, keep on working at it and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Maybe you could take some lessons to improve upon your skills, and this way, you’ll feel more confident selling your work to people because you taken the time to develop your talents even further.
  •  Remember a list of things you can improve on – So, maybe you have excellent communication and marketing skills, but the actual service or product you’d offer to others needs a bit of work. So, the strategy you’d want to follow in this case is to put the things you do well on the back burner for now, and focus all your attention on improving your weaknesses. You don’t need to be the absolute best at one thing; you can have average skills of many things, but combined, they can be a powerhouse.


  •  Don’t sell yourself short – Most importantly, don’t assume that because you aren’t Einstein or Picasso, that you can’t make something of yourself in this life. Not to mention, comparing yourself to others won’t get you anywhere. It’s important to lift yourself up and see yourself in a positive light if you ever want to become successful.
  •  Keep a positive attitude – Also, don’t let complaining and negative thoughts creep into your brain and still your happiness. Remember, your attitude and energy attracts like energy, so if you put out positive vibes into the world, they will return to you. And, of course, the opposite is true as well. In keeping a positive attitude, success will more easily come your way. Think about it: what successful person in history do you know of that had a negative attitude about themselves or in life in general?
  •  Have encouraging friends – Just as important as it is to have a great relationship with yourself, you also need to surround yourself with people who will uplift and motivate you. Don’t keep friends around who simply complain and drain you of energy – they will distract and discourage you from your own goals and drive for success.
  •  Stop beating yourself up over supposed shortcomings – As we said before, don’t sell yourself short. Believe in yourself, focus on your strengths, improve upon your weaknesses, and realize that we all don’t really know what were doing here. Were just winging it, and doing the best we can. You have so much opportunity and potential as anyone else to achieve your goals, so remember this next time you feel discouraged about your dreams.
  •  Don’t give up – Also, you might jump thousands of hurdles before you achieve success. The difference between those that are successful in those that are, is that one group getting give up. Successful people don’t have more intelligence, money, possessions, or anything else that sets them apart from others the majority of the time – they just have incredible drive and perseverance. The matter what you want in life, keep jumping those hurdles and the you gotten where you want to be.
  •  Remember that you can always learn something new – Don’t get stuck in the trap of thinking that you can’t ever learned something new in life. All it takes is willingness and a little dedication to learn new skills. If you want to get better at painting, drawing, writing, or anything else, you can always take classes, search for a respected leader of the field you’re interested in for some advice or counseling, or even watch YouTube videos or other online mediums to acquire new knowledge.
  •  Get rid of negative influences – Finally, stop surrounding yourself with negative people. They will only bring you down, discourage you from your dreams, and infect you with negative energy. Don’t be afraid to cut ties with those who don’t share the same vision as you.