How To Cleans Your Crystals And Fill Them With Positive Energy

After you purchase your crystals, it is important to cleanse them, as they can pick up negative energy from their surroundings. After a gemstone has “picked you” it is important to perform a cleansing ritual to ensure that your new jewel is working on behalf of your greater good. by performing the process of purification we free crystals from the energy they have gathered in the past. Cleaning crystals is much more than simply cleaning the dust on their outer surface. It is primarily an act of removing the “inner dust” or removing the discordant energies from within the crystals. In a technical sense, crystals can be used, and are indeed used to record and store useful information, but if we were to translate this to more spiritual language it means that crystals are also capable of actually absorbing vibrations from the environment.


The catch is that crystals cannot distinguish good from bad vibrations – they can only pick up various kinds of energies they are put in contact with. The point of view of the universal love, crystals represent shining love. All vibrations will one day ascend and will be transformed into divine ones, and thus all vibrations can be considered good. Purification of precious and semi precious stones is carried out with help of the four elements: water, fire, earth and air.

the first step in the process of tuning crystals’ energy with the energies of your own microcosm is clearing them from all kinds of energies that they once accumulated. If you’ve been working with your crystals for some time, using them for healing or removing emotional pain, or if you wish to program them with new programs, it is necessary to run the process of purification again. There are several techniques for that purpose, to use them when that you find best for your crystals.

  •  One of the methods to clean your newly bought crystals is to classify them according to their type, and soak them in salty water for three days. Afterwards, rinse them thoroughly and put them to dry out in the sun. A better variation of this method is to use seawater.
  •  Crystals can be quickly cleaned by keeping them under the flow of lukewarm water for 3 to 5 minutes. Beware: some crystal should not be put into water, especially soft stones like azurite, angelite, phenakite, boji stone, selenite and similar.
  •  The least invasive method of cleaning crystals would be exposing them to in some burning smoke. The incense of herbal origin, like cedar, salvia, Juniper, or pine tree works the best. Put the incense stick below your crystal, allowing for a better exposure of your crystal to the smoke. This is an excellent way of purifying yourself and your environment.
  •  Purification of crystals can be successfully performed if we use candle flame and pass the crystal through the flames several times.
  •  Crystals can also be cleaned by using essential oils. Soak them in a container filled with distilled water in which a few drops of essential oil have been added. The Juniper essential oil is especially suitable due to its ability of releasing the crystals from the accumulated negative energies. For cleaning stones used in emotional healing, lavender oil is the best choice, since it has soothing and balancing features.
  •  Lemon is equally good for cleaning crystals, and apart from its purifying capabilities, it can help remove fat from the crystal surface.
  •  One of the means of cleansing crystals is to bury them in the earth. This method should not be used when there is iron present in the composition of the crystal as a dominant element, e.g., hematite and tiger iron. Especially unrefined energies can be taken out of the crystal in this way. It can be a sort of a rebirth for the particular crystal to be put back in the embrace of the earth – the environment which it has been taken from originally.

You should clean your crystals on a regular basis, but the time interval depends on the intensity of their use in practical applications. If your crystals only decorate your shelves, cleaning once every couple of months should be enough. Crystals that you use every day should be purified once a week. Crystal should be cleaned before programming, but once their programs, don’t clean them unless they have accomplish the goal of their programming.