New Research Shows Frankincense Oil Is A Natural Cancer Fighter!

 Tradition tells us that the Magi ( 3 wise men ) gave the infant King of Israel gifts of gold to honor his royalty, frankincense as perfume, and myrrh for anointing oil. Although there probably is some truth to this, other sources claim that the wise men from the Far East were actually being more practical by giving the baby Jesus these precious, costly essential oils that could double up as potential medical remedies.

 Frankincense Benefits: For over 5000 years frankincense has been much more than just an anointing oil. It was used to support the immune system, fight infection and cure disease as frankincense oil natural cancer treatment. Today the most common frankincense benefits include:

  •  Reduces inflammation
  •  Cancer killing properties
  •  Spiritual awareness
  •  Boosts immunity
  •  Fights infections
  •  Improves anxiety
  •  Heal skin and reduces acne and scarring

 A press release by University of Leicester in the UK, publish a few days before Christmas last year, has rekindled the theory that the “wise men” weren’t just bringing wealth to Jesus, but medicine.

 According to the announcement, “University of Leicester researchers discovered cancer killing properties of frankincense in ovarian cancer.” Using the compound AKBA ( acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid ), the Omani Government-funded research has for the first time shown frankincense’s ability to target cancer cells in late stage ovarian cancer patients. Lead researcher Kamla Al-Salmani explained, “After a year of studying the AKBA compound with ovarian cancer cells, we have been able to show it is effective at killing the cancer cells.

Frankincense oil

 People who have added Boswellia Serrata,  also known as frankincense oil, into their natural health cancer care plan may find themselves experiencing double benefits from this miracle essential oil. For many cancer patients, there is a time when the treatment becomes worse than the cancer itself. It is at this point that quality of life and symptom suppression is the focal point for many diagnosed with this deadly disease. Debilitating in and of itself, these cancer treatment side effects can make having cancer absolutely miserable.

 Take, for instance, brain cancer patients who experience cerebral edema ( swelling in the head ) after having their tumors irradiated. Typically, these people are treated with dexamethasone an other corticosteroids to control the swelling, but this is done at a great cost because the deadly complications of steroids are limitless.

 Unfortunately, these people suffer toxic overload from the drugs that are supposed to help them in the first place and get headaches, migraines, and may even deal with blurred vision because of the steroid treatments. Thankfully, frankincense offers a natural, viable solution to this horrible issue. Back in 2011, the Journal Cancer publish the results of a 44 person clinical trial evaluating how brain swelling was affected by frankincense.

 Astoundingly, 60% of the patients displayed 75% reduction or greater in cerebral swelling after being treated with 4200 mg a day of frankincense! These results are so significant that scientists are urging the medical community to consider prescribing this potent essential oil instead of steroids for cancer patients assigned to radiation treatment.

 Please, let this information spread like wildfire within cancer treatment circles. Who knows what could happen if more people utilize this frankincense oil as cancer natural treatment approach. As we’ve seen before, if Boswellia Serrata can kill cancer cells and prevent tumors from growing, the sky’s the limit for people who follow natural health guidelines. From Dr. Axe Food Is Medicine