What is the Law of Attraction and How Can it Help You?

The Law of Attraction is the idea that “like attracts like.” In other words, energies attract similar energies. Positive thoughts and affirmations attract positive energy to you, while negative thoughts will attract negative energy to you. Simply put, if you spend a great amount of time worrying and complaining and putting people down, you’ll see that it comes back around to you. That negative energy that you put out into the universe and onto other people will find its way back to you and manifest itself in your life whether it’s through negative events, negative conversations, or “unlucky” things happening to you. On the other hand, if you spend a majority of your time showing gratitude and expressing love and uplifting others, that love and positivity will also find its way back to you and the universe will present you with love and happiness and positive events.

It sounds simple and it is. It all starts with choosing to think one positive thought or say one nice thing to someone or finding one good thing about a seemingly horrible day. But that’s not where it stops. You can’t just say nice things to people or think a happy thought and expect it to come back and change your life all of a sudden. You have to mean it. You have to feel it. You have to actually feel that energy and put it out into the world. You can’t be steaming with anger and sadness and then say, “Ok, I’m happy,” while the energy you’re actually feeling and emitting is the complete opposite. While saying that you are happy or thinking that you are happy even when you’re not actually feeling it is a small starting step to becoming happy, that’s not where it ends. If you are outwardly saying that you are happy while your subconscious and your energy clearly are not, then you’re contradicting yourself. You need to bring your subconscious to harmony with your more present conscious mind. But how?

Aside from saying or thinking the things you want, you need to set your intention on them. You need to set the intention within yourself to be positive or to think positively. You need to put your negative thoughts and emotions to rest, even if for just a second. The best way to be able to do that is through meditation, where you can learn to control your thoughts rather than letting your thoughts control you. Once you can put your negative thoughts and emotions to rest, you can fill the space they left with positivity. If you catch yourself thinking something negative, whether it’s a complaint or a judgment, or a criticism of yourself, then stop that thought in its tracks. Recognize that you are thinking something harmful or hurtful to yourself or others and make the decision to let that thought go and think a positive thought instead.

This isn’t always easy, especially with the amount of hatred and criticism and judgment of ourselves and others that has become so normal in our society. That doesn’t mean we can’t do it though, it just means we have to defy what we’ve been taught and that it will be hard, but worth it. Once you train your mind to stop negativity in it’s tracks and replace it with positivity, you’ll see a change in yourself and in your life. This isn’t to say that you can start thinking about all the money you want in order to get rich and it’ll work, because it won’t. That’s not the point. The point is to focus on your energy and the energy you want to emit and receive, which will determine the direction of your life. It’s not a magic formula to winning the lottery or marrying your favorite celebrity, it’s a practice to gain control over your mind and in turn, gain control over your life.